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Having Skied on all types of piste and backcountry in Europe, the America’s and Asia . I felt my skiing had reached a plateau. The same issues arose time and time again when faced with certain terrain and slope angle .Whilst being able to negotiate these , I would become frustrated with my technique which was sufficient for me to get down or across but was far from smooth and effortless .


Quite by chance I was introduced to Nick and got into discussions about skiing and how I felt my skiing level was at a plateau but I was lost as to how I could improve it.


Technique he yelled !  Its all about bad habits developed over the years .To break these you need to go back to basics . A little sceptical ,I decided to take his advice and booked his ski technique improvement course in Les Deux Alps. 


Nick’s practical techniques and teaching style immediately made me at ease, he quickly identified weaknesses in my skiing. His videos and drone footage enabled me to see in real time where I was not using the correct technique. Whether it was stance , edge rotation or ski turning at the wrong point on the fall line. Nick then set out tailored drills and video footage to show how to improve and remove these weaknesses.  Post ski and drill training ,we undertook physical training aimed at improving balance and mobility. 


At the end of the weak my skiing had moved to another level ,one which I had thought was beyond me only a week before.


If you are honest with yourself about your true skiing ability and really want to improve beyond just getting down or across. This course is a must . Nick is true master of his craft ! one of the best.







Chartered Certified Accountants 

[25/07/2024, 19:40:17] P. A.: “I’ve skied with Nick for many years and we have done a lot of adventures ! This season he introduced me to the Carv app and we spent many hours creating awesome edge angles in our skiing and having a great time ! Nicks enthusiasm for everyone’s skiing is infectious!!![25/07/2024, 19:40:53] P. A.: A true professional who obviously loves his job

It's hard to describe just how influential Nick has been in our skiing journey. He took a family of four with no skiing experience whatsoever and, over a period of six weeks, transformed us into mountain animals.

The challenge from day one was enormous - how do you ensure two adults (one of whom was mildly terrified) one seven-year-old and one 13-year-old get bespoke instruction while also enjoying every minute on the slopes?

The answer lies in Nick's boundless energy and enthusiasm. Juggling a host of exercises and techniques and wrapping them up in fun-filled activities, Nick's tailored lessons enabled us all to develop at our own pace yet brought us all to a level where we can now tackle any run in any condition. 

Learning can be tough, and we all developed different skills (and different fears) at different times, yet Nick managed to keep us all moving forward with his unique blend of effervescence and encouragement. 

Quite simply, Nick made the difference to our ski season. He accelerated our learning and enjoyment and made us feel at home on the snow.

He'll forever be a big part of our family and our memories.


N. R
Managing Director


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